LM IT \ Imprint




LM IT Services AG
Rheiner Landstr. 189
49078 Osnabrück
Lower Saxony

Represented by:
LM IT Services AG
Executive Board: M. Liepe, M. Mummert, C. Haase, A. Plato, A. Henneke, R. Minning
Supervisory Board: Prof. Dr. D. Kiso, T. Kromp, F. Beckmann

+49 541 4 06 64 – 0
+49 541 4 06 64 – 59


Turnover tax ID:
Turnover tax ID according to §27 a Law on turnover tax:

Registry court:
Amtsgericht Osnabrück HRB 18943


General Terms of Condition:

You can find the current General Terms of Condition here.
The current Terms of Condition for LM IT Services AG events can be found here.
The current Terms of Condition in the training, consulting, support, content development or software development environment of LM IT Services AG can be viewed here.


Special Terms of Conditions:

You can view the current terms and conditions for the use of our products ISMS 365 and DSMS 365 can be viewed here.


Liability exclusion:

Liability for content
The content of the LM IT Services AG website is subject to change without prior notice. No guarantee is given for the accuracy or completeness of the information contained on the website. LM IT Services AG accepts no liability for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the use of this website or the information contained therein.

Liability for links:
The website contains links to websites of third parties, and we have no influence on these contents. Therefore we can give for these foreign contents also no guarantee. The relevant supplier or operator of the linked web pages is always responsible for the content of such pages. The linked pages were reviewed for possible legal violations when the links were created. Content which infringed the law was not recognisable at the time of linking. We cannot reasonably be expected to exercise permanent control over the content of the linked sites without any specific indications of an infringement of rights. As soon as we become aware of a legal violation we will remove such content immediately.

The content and works on these websites prepared by the operator of the websites shall be subject to the German copyright law. Copying, processing, distributing and any kind of use outside the limits of copyright law require the written approval of the particular author, respectively compiler. These pages may only be downloaded and copied without the prior written approval of LM IT Services AG or the author in question for private use, but not for commercial use. Insofar as contents from this website are not created from the operator, all copyrights from third parties will be noted. Contents from third parties have in particular been identified as such. If, however, any copyright violation comes to your attention, we would like you to provide us with a corresponding indication. As soon as we become aware of a legal violation we will remove such content immediately.

Online dispute resolution according to Art. 14 para. 1 ODR-VO
The European Commission provides an Online Dispute Resolution (OS) platform, which can be found at https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/. We are neither obliged nor willing to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.

Do you have any questions?

Did you not find what you were looking for? Simply book an appointment without obligation. In a personal meeting we can clarify your open questions about our services and offers.

Alexander Plato

Your contact person for all questions related to our 5 service division, solutions, offers and much more about LM IT.